Expulsion and Re-Entry-Ban
The formal expulsion of a foreigner will be ordered in all cases of serious criminal activity, especially if he is sentenced to a prison term and the sentence has not been suspended on probation or he is convicted in a drug-related crime.
Other grounds of expulsion are violation of judicial order or administrative decree, severe drug consumption, dependence on social welfare. If an expulsion is planned on these grounds, the Foreigners Authority has to take into account the duration of lawful residence, the consequences for family members, the personal ties to Germany and if there are reasons for suspending the deportation.
Foreigners with a long time of legal residence, minors, recognised refugees or foreigners living together with a German family member enjoy a special protection.
An expulsion order contains an re-entry ban for a certain time for all Schengen-Member-States (European Union plus Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland).
An expulsion may lead into an deportation.
Our Specialist in Immigration Law is Sven Hasse.